"There is no real benefit and true innovation if it is not for everyone". The Blast team has made this statement their mantra.

What better opportunity to implement Blast than during a Focus Group? In the focus group, there are people who form a representative sample: different ages, different physical conditions, different levels of physical preparation or no preparation at all.

We start with a quick session of explanations, the necessary instructions on how to wear Blast and the fun begins from the first steps.

Even we on the development team could never have imagined such a rapid and instinctive adaptation to the tool by twenty people, both men and women.

Recommendations for the practical use of Blast, perhaps using a few meters of handrail, dissolved in less than 20 seconds! This is because using Blast is very simple and recommendations are of little use.

After two minutes of use, the sensations of walking on the infinite carpet had already taken over the participants' lymphatic system, generating well-being and a sense of fun. The proprioceptive circuit proposed by the motor science experts to the participants introduced Blast as a tool suitable for low intensity and low energy activities, excellent for those starting or resuming physical activity. Lots of isometry, small movements, training with positions studied to increase motor skills and balance.

Then it was time to try Blast for cardio work with medium and medium-high intensity. For medium intensity, we used a circular path around the work area, tackled with a light run suitable for everyone. For the part with higher energy, our Trainer used a musical base and proposed a series of rhythmic exercises, adding the use of the upper limbs, all for over 20 minutes... All this without anyone complaining of excessive joint load, balance difficulties or getting bored by the multiple activities proposed for over two hours in total.

The part of fatigue reduction and outdoor recovery with simple walking and light stretching exercises concluded the experience... always with the infinite elastic carpet worn on the feet in the Jump Republic of Blast!